An action rpg game made by the same guy who made Actraiser. A lot of reused sound effects and other similarities. I’m surprised I had never played this as a kid. My biggest issue was with the music. Following up from Actraiser which has some of the best music on SNES it really fell short. The music in soul blazer is repetitive and painful to listen to. Another issue were the enemy spawn portals. A big chunk of the gameplay is standing at a certain spot close to the spawn portals and wait for enemies to walk up to you.
The pseudo town-building aspect was the most interesting part of the game. In each town as you release the townspeople you can interact with them and find secrets in town. The item system was interesting as well though it could have been a lot better. Due to the dull combat and horrible music, I will never play this game again, but it was still fun. I don’t regret playing.