Most people have never even heard of Soul Blazer, but this is one of the best games available on the Super Nintendo.

User Rating: 9 | Soul Blader SNES
I just got this game in the mail for the SNES. A lot of people are playing these old games online for free, but I prefer to play them on the original console. I just started playing it last night so I might change the rating as I progress...

So far Soul Blazer is awesome! In fact, I like it better than Link to the Past. The reason I say that is because I'm getting sick of getting stuck all the time in Zelda. Its just too puzzling, and not in the fun way. I mean the frustrating, stuck all damn day type of puzzles. That's where Soul Blazer is just cooler. I spend more time slicing through bad guys, and way less time bumbling around trying to find clues.

In Soul Blazer, you are sent by "The Master" to restore souls. These souls were stolen by the king and traded to an evil deity named Death Toll in exchange for 1 piece of gold each. In this game you have a sword, magic, armor, and you level-up. But I like it way more than a straight RPG, because the battle is live-action and really fun. Therein, you battle through areas destroying groups of enemies in order to unlock souls that have been captured. As you unlock souls, the town re-populates with people, animals and plants that help you on your way. The town forms around you and when all the kinks are worked out you fight the boss in each area.

Overall: 9, and might go up even higher as I play more of it. Simple and fun, solid character progression, great music, cool story, what more can you ask for? The graphics in Zelda blow this game out of the water, but I care more about gameplay and flow. The music in Soul Blazer is epic, and definitely adds a lot to this gaming experience. Recommended course of action: Absolute must play! Especially if you like old school stuff.