This sword-fighting game is a perfect arcade-conversion to console, with a lot more content.
But one aspect of this game makes it a real console version: the Edge Master Mode. This mode will have you traveling a map, going to different places, which are all stages from arcade mode and some extra arenas, fighting opponents under different circumstances, like beating enemies within a certain time or using only certain techniques. If you complete these tasks, some of them will give you a new weapon for the character you're fighting with. For each character you can collect 7 more weapons, which all have different attributes, such as power, and weight, making them truly different from each other.
The graphics are up there with the best on Playstation: character models look and move really good, backgrounds are spectacular at times and the effects during a fight are very nice.
Sound is also very good. During fights your warrior will scream and shout during attacks, weapons will make the appropriate sound when you hit someone or when your attack gets blocked. There's music in each stage too, even a double soundtrack, you can switch between them in the options menu.
Beating this game with every character available will take some time, but even after that you'll be playing this again and again, whether it's by yourself, trying to beat your survival score or getting that certain move to work, or with a friend battling each other.
So, if you ask me, and you kinda are, since you're reading this review, I'd say Soul Blade is an excellent game, that deserves to be in the ranks with the best Playstation has to offer!