First of, the game in a nutshell.
You are a slave of a sorcerer named Magusar. Magusar sacrifices people and you are his slave, then you find a book and you read it to uncover Magusar's secred. Long story short you live a life of a sorcerer. You have offerings(spells) and you fight monsters, when you kill them you have to choose "sacrifice" or "save"(and "fate" in soul sacrifice delta) when you sacrifice you renew your offerings, when you save you fill your life bar. That's the game
Well the original game was released in 2013, the trailer was promising. We saw graphics in a very good quallity for a handheld console and boss battles. The game was very nice, good story soundtrack, combat was "ok" the dark mystic atmosphere was satisfying. The problem was that... something was missing.
This is where SS:Delta comes in. At last you feel like you are a powerfull sorcerer. Combat system has been enhanced, you can activate offerings(spells) while wielding other magic "offensive" offerings. Magic has been rebalanced, on the original SS the only thing you had to do was just to use "throw" offerings and spamming them with the respective element and just kill it. Now they fixed that and many other things.
Now SS:Delta has factions. You have titles and you raise in their ranks, factions with different beliefs and goals, Avalon, Sactuarium, Grim. Depending on what faction you choose sacrifice, save and fate, effect changes. So choosing between those three will change your gameplay. A nice feature is the online faction ranking, it shows what is the best faction.
Customising your character in delta is one of my favorite. It has many customes to choose from. In the original game you are bound to choose the whole custome but in Delta you can make a mix between headgear, top and bottom of the custome with different colors and there is more. It has many many many different arms. You can make a unique sorcerer and go for battle.
I really don't know what to say about this game. SS:Delta is what SS has to be from the start. Now the game feels complete. Even the story now has an end. There are so many offerings to collect so many monsters to fight, it has all the lore for every monster, map, faction, person, built in the game. The stories of the monsters are very well made, its like you are reading a very dark fairy tale. You have so many things to look up, from your combo of your offerings to the sigits on your arm to create an unstoppable sorcerer.
So at the end you have:
-A big quantity of spells to use
-A big quantity of sigits
-Many customes and arms to choose from
-An insane amount of monsters to fight
-Online gaming and features
-Unique art, sound and music
-A very nice story
That was my first review, I am not good at this, I just like this game very very much and I wanted to write something about it