Could be very good game if not for the few bugs and other inconveniences encountered throughout it.

User Rating: 8 | Soulbringer PC
It looks pretty much like "Darkstone" and "Revenant" mix: has a linear gameplay, in-combat targeting system, combination of hitting enemies, tons of magic for a disposal, huge maps to explore with various secret places and treasures kept in them, many creepy enemies with different resistances to encounter, loads of puzzles to solve and much more. Let me tell you what i liked and what annoyed me in the game, i'll start from the brighter side of it: The main thing for me is - storyline, it was fascinating, i loved every bit of it - creepy crawlers following me, bleeding cut-off heads talking with the necromancy involved, mysterious forbidden/forgotten places to explore - simply BREATHTAKING. Music touched me deep as well, as i entered different parts of the realm (swamps, magical islands, caves, crypts, cities, villages, ruins etc.), the perception changed accordingly to the tunes; sfx is fairly good too. Combat system is entertaining, hack and slash them freaks with the various moves that depend on the use and experience of use of the current weapon. Some original and cool magics to learn, few of them is must use in order to finish the quest. Right, now a portion of annoying things to mention here: Difficult with exploring - huge areas, lots of roads, not enough maps and etc.; BUT there are special stones that can be activated by touch and make a portal to travel instantly from one area to another stone. Combat: Sometimes enemies freeze and no matter how many times you press any button - nothing happens. There are even times when a foe starts to run away from you until he reaches nearest wall or corner that can be miles away. Inventory and weight system: it's a good thing to have a clothing bag to store more things, but when an apple weights 1 and kitchen knife 5 (plus you cannot store them in one slot to save space and to keep your inventory tidy), i'm starting to have doubts that i need to pick up them knives at all to sell and earn some gold for nice armor - shame 'bout wasted money. If you want to repair the things that you're currently wearing (one by one), you must remove them first and place in your bag. There are some strange thing happening with the offensive magic as well, even though poison bolt shouldn't do a lot of damage instantly, just in a time period, it seems to kill almost everyone it touches straight away, even the most difficult enemies; when a firebolt with a moderate damage properties does not even leave a scratch on many opponents. Now comes the funniest part: i liked the game and i would love to finish it, but there is one ingame cut-scene that never ends, i mean it stucks and no matter how long i wait for it to finish, it just stays in it's frame (couldn't find patches for it though). My suggestion is that you should play it, it is not a bad piece of originality there.