Fighting Game Galore!

User Rating: 8.3 | SoulCalibur II PS2
Soul Calibur II is a great fighting game, you can choose up to 8 weapons each i believe and each character has a silly weapon that does practically no damage. Also a noticable difference is each system has a different special character. The throws and movement are fluent, the graphics are great the sound is crisp. It's a really great game i bought it right when it came out, but nearing the release of Soul Calibur III i would highly recommend you buy Soul Calibur III. The story mode, well lets just say there isn't much story and the three hidden characters are pretty lame. But on the other hand each character has an advantage over the others, so you much choose the correct character and use skill to defeat your opponent. So this isn't a must have but i would recommend it, if you looking for a good fighting game.