Awesome game with few flaws and plus it has Link. LINK!!!!!

User Rating: 8.3 | SoulCalibur II GC
Story: N/A Isn't really one (unless you count Weapon Master mode)

Graphics: 10 Best character models I have ever laid my eyes on and even environments are jaw-dropping.

Sound: 8 Music is pretty good but some voices make me want to die (Taki, please stop screaming all the time)

Controls: 8 Very fluent and allow button mashers and pros to have fair chance

Entertainment: 9 Really fun with a friend and really fun without

Overall: 8.8 All of the characters are cool (LINK) and I like beating the crap out of my loser friends (cough, cough Sharingon67 and B_dinosaur cough, cough) and getting different weapons