I thought Soul Calibur was going to go up to a completely new level... I was majorly disappointed. Read on.

User Rating: 4.2 | SoulCalibur III PS2
In my opinion, this is one of the worst sequels that there have ever been. When I played Soul Calibur 2, I was amazed at the graphics, the different choice of weapons, the original combat style, and many things more. I played Soul Calibur 2 over and over again until I got bored of it. The best part about it was that it was for every major game system. I had the one for gamecube, and it appealed to me because it had link in it.

Soul Calibur 3 is just a repitition of the second one, with better graphics, and some unimpressive updates. I was expecting it to be out for almost every single system, and be completely bigger, badder, and better than the second one, but it was just like having two copies of Soul Calibur 2. When I saw that it was only for PS2, and it didn't have link, I was disappointed, but I decided to give it a chance. Then I was even more disappointed. PS2 is only good for RPG's in my opinion, and fighting games are best played on gamecube. The characters are pretty much the same as before, the storyline's the same, too many similarities that make it boring and seem like it's the same as the first one. There is no set difficulty in this one either, so your first battle could be a breeze, but then your second battle you'd be up against a super-computer. If Namco had made this game for all the three major systems, or even just Gamecube, and had link in it, and got rid of some of the minor flaws, then I would've given this rating a 9.6, but alas.

If you haven't played Soul Calibur 2, however, and are interested in fighting games, then go ahead and get this game. It's awesome when you play it for the first time. But for those old time Soul Calibur fans, this is just plain redundant and disappointing.