Good for the soul fact its Soul Calibur.
It finally came out, and once I began to play it, my excitement eventually turned into frustration. When it comes to the new player modes, it can be a bit long and tedious. First comes Tales of Souls, which is the best it gets when it comes to straightforward fighting. It, more or less, is a choose your own adventure with the occasional cinema or too.
'Chronicles of the Sword' in my opinion, is almost as much of a waste of time as watching paint dry. It consists of nothing more than you sitting on your couch, waiting for your pawns to run as fast as they can (which isn't that fast, mind you) to the next target. The only reason staring at the screen for this long on this mode is worthwhile is because it unlocks some of the many many unlockables in SCIII. Other than that, I tend to stay away from this mode.
There are other player modes in SCIII, like the world championship(also can be long, since you must KO the opponent 3 times to advance,) and missions, which are somewhat similar to SCII's 'Weapon Master' mode, requiring you to complete certain tasks in a battle. The closest thing that you will get to a (for lack of better words) 'just plain fighting mode' ''would be 'Quick Play' mode, which, sadly, will not help you unlock anything.
Also, of course, is the new 'character customization' mode that was one of the bigger, better features of the game. This was well done, but you can't use the same player in 'chronicles of the sword' or any of your custom-made characters, for that matter, as you can in regular fighting modes. And, of course, you need to unlock most of the new classes (and new weapons in those classes) by 'chronicles of the sword' mode.
Overall, this game definately lacks the luster that I was expecting for months. Even with the pleathora of new, eccentric characters, nicely done stages, and the familar music, the frequent cheap-shots in frustrating modes outweigh the pros.
If you're a fan of the Soul Calibur series, I still suggest you at least rent it and give it a shot, but it might not be a bad idea to stick to SCII