A decent slice-and-dice'athon.

User Rating: 8.6 | SoulCalibur III PS2
I know there are some Soul Calibur 2 fans that were disapointed with this installment. However, not having previously played a Soul Calibur game - I didn't have any real expectations, just that it'd be a decent fighting game.
And it is.

The games graphics are decent, and characters are well animated.
As for sound, I'm not really sure. I'd say the voice acting is decent.
The effects are fine.
But the dialogue is so cheesey. Not even "fun" cheesey. Crap cheesey.
A lot of characters think things are "absurd" and more often want them to "disapear". It's kinda eh..

The gameplay shines though. It's easy enough to pick up and play.
The action is fast paced and visually stunning.

The Create-A-Character mode, while decent considering very few actual fighting games HAVE a C.A.C, was still kind of unimpressive.
Though theres a variety of clothing and accessorys to put on your character and various different classes with different weapons associated with them, it still wasn't as customizable as it could've been. I think my main qualms with the faces. Theres only like 4 for the guys, I haven't checked the females et but 4 for the guys. And 3 of them look crap in my oppinion.

The story mode is decent. Sometimes it's hard to be interested in the actual story, if only because of the cheesey nature of the writing. But it's still a decent excuse to slice and dice some people.
It can take between 40mins to an hour to play through, roughly.
And whilst challenging, it's not so challenging as to make you want to smash your controller in frustration.

The name of the mode escapes me right now, but the strategy game mode is also kind of crap and only really worth playing through to unlock stuff.

All in all, it's a great fighter. Greater with friends.
But it's got a decent amount of replayability due to unlockables and such, so it's fine to solo as well.