When you get down to it, Soulcalibur III is a decent fighter. Great graphics and if you play with a friend, its awesome.

User Rating: 8.9 | SoulCalibur III PS2
For years, Soulcalibur had been an extremely popular arcade game, only playable at arcades or places such as lazertag. SC 3 is the first of the epic series to be released on a console. It's not much in story mode, but in multiplayer it's almost unmatched except by possibly Bushido Blade. (See my review.)
The characters are neat and you sometimes get very addicted to it, for some reason. The Characters include a broadsword-weilding knight called Sigfried, A young warrior with a wooden staff named Kilik, an odd Reaper-like creature with a scythe called Sasalamel, an awesome, hissing fiend with spiked metal gloves name Voldo, a saber-weilding female warrior called Ivy, a huge, black....thing with a gigantic red sword named nightmare, and his underdressed, hot servant who carries an odd spiked hoola hoop.
Really a fun game, a must-have if you have a PS2 and a friend to play it with.