Soul calibur has been in top series among the fighting Genre and with its famous past series,the third soul calibur would have expectedly high expectations.Fortunately i feel that these certain expectations have not been reached, sure it is a great game but a certain aspect is missing from the game. Soul calibur 3 starts off as a action,simple and fast fighting game, Controls are simple and moves can be perormed with slight ease. Firstly single player modes have been really upgraded,story mode has different paths yet gets boring after a while watching the same scenes unfold over again.soul mode is just hard and a new mode added called chronicles of the sword is very frustrating.The only thing i found addictive was getting the chance to make your own characters.Downfall is the multiplayer modes they just have versing which gets very boring after defeating your opponnent over and over again.apart from that you just earn money to buy more stuff for customisation.My opinion the game should have been more focused on the multiplayer modes because its when you sit down with a bunch of friends and start pounding the heck out of each other is when your having fun.
Soul Calibur III brings back the great gameplay and fun of the classic Soul Calibur game from the Dreamcast with some ambitious new single player modes that are really cool and proves that fighters can still be innovat... Read Full Review
Six years ago, Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast changed my mind about 3D fighters. It was my first and it is my only exception to this genre. The characters, the sceneries, the moves, everything was so beautiful it was brea... Read Full Review