A beautiful game that is alot of fun. A must play if you like fighting games.

User Rating: 9.5 | SoulCalibur IV PS3
First I want to talk about graphics this game has some of the best graphics a game could have from animated backgrounds to great physic movement on the characters clothing and the lighting is just flawless. I agree with most people when they say this game is like playing continuously in a cut scene.

The game play is also a very attractive part of this game seeing how you can just pick up the controller and play and with little or no experience in one day can unlock all the characters. But for all the hard core fighting fans they can up the difficulty and be challenged as well. You may find that button mashing will work through most characters but there is a few that if you will never beat unless you take some time to figure out a plan of attack.

There are three single player modes Arcade, Story, Tower of Lost Souls. Arcade mode consists of 8 battles. The story mode is mad up of 5 battles were you may be teamed up with someone else versus 4 others or a simple one on one and everything in between. These modes feel short but I think it has a good balance to it seeing how people like to see endings and get new characters quickly. The Tower of Lost Souls on the other hand has 60 floors that you have to hack your way threw with stipulations on each floor to getting a secret item that you can use in your character customization. Example "Floor 1- Soldier's Hat, clear stage while taking no damage".

The multilayer portion of this game is probably going to keep this game's longevity seeing how you can create characters and use them online against others. For those of you that have been wondering yes you can use voice chat. There is almost no lag but of course in any online game you're at the mercy of your ISP. Online multilayer is not the only way to play you also can play alongside your friends in your own home as well.

Character customization is completely great and I will get this out of the way now nobody other than Vader and Apprentice can use the light saber or the force. Sure you can modify those characters but you can change very little about them. But the menu system is very easy to use and makes it fun and not tedious while you're trying to create your masterpiece. Make sure you have earned gold either in the Arcade or Story mode because some of the better pieces of equipment and weapons will cost you a few thousand gold. Also remember you can unlock new stuff in the character creation if you meet the requirements in the Tower of Lost souls or by getting some of the honors. The only thing that is a little tough to learn is how to get your character to meet the requirements of specific skills. Other than that it's a blast.

This games music is just as you would expect from a Soulcalibur game. It goes great with the game and if you notice every time you play a match it tells you the song title in the bottom right hand side of your screen. And the answer is yes to all you Star Wars junkies they do have Star Wars music on their two levels.

Now for the part were they could improve on the game and it really is not that big of a deal to most but I personally like to find a character that I am decent with and turn me from being decent to a person you don't want to run into. Well if you are looking for that this game will work your fingers off trying to get to your move list in the Training mode. Because you have to pause the game go down about half a page of options then select move list then you have about half a dozen more options to figure out just what you want. You can have the computer display how the move is done and what it looks like but there is no option to leave the particular move on the screen while you try to execute a eight button combo so you will find yourself doing one of two things either writing the moves down on paper or two going back in and looking at the move over and over and over again. Like I said it's not a big deal but for people that would like to master a character and all there moves it can prove to be tedious.

Overall this game is a must play for anyone that likes the fighting genera. This game will keep you coming back for more over and over again. The graphics are memorizing and the game play is immersive. The multilayer is just flat out fun and the character creation will keep you entertained for hours on end. So go out get this game! I highly recommend it.