Online battle'z SAVED this version of Soul Caliber. lol

User Rating: 8 | SoulCalibur IV PS3
It's a Soul Caliber game plan and simple. Some new characters, weapons, clothes, moves, stages. Nothing really new. You already know all of the new stuff by the time you read this.

After playing it for a day straight I was already getting tired of it. I was thinking of just going back to SC3 but then I played some online RANKED matches and boy it started getting good. First off, you can take your own character (you know, the one you spent hours making with huge boobs and the like) into the online arena and go at it. if you manage to win an online match you get experience points for leveling your record, money, style level ups. Honor. and more. It gives a huge incentive too keep you hooked online for a while. I only rented it because for some reason these games can only entertain for so long. (How I miss the PS2 Era.)


this is a good game to rent for ONLINE only. Unless you like everthing else just get SC3.

the only problem i have with this game is that if your level 1 and you beat someone who is like level 25 they will shut off their PS3 right when you win so it dosent show that you did anything. This happened two times already. So now i do it too lol.

Buttin Mashers have fun. (I pwn noobs)