Beautiful to look at...but...not much else

User Rating: 7 | SoulCalibur IV X360
First up the good, because after this next statement it's pretty much all downhill from there. The game is absolutely gorgeous to watch, the character models are amazingly detailed and the levels are beautifully crafted. However...(Don't you love that word'However?' ...Nothing good ever follows that word. Like a girl will say "I think you're the best guy I've ever met, you're funny, amazing, great to be around...however...I just don't like you.")

However, past the looks, this game is just meh. It feels so hollow. I really enjoyed past SC's but this one just doesn't grab me and pull me in like the last one's have and I don't expect much. I mean, how could you expect much from SC? I wasn't expecting a story, god knows any story from a SC game is pretty much non-sense, it never explains anything anyway. I wasn't expecting Yoda to fit into the cast (Which he doesn't), I wasn't even expecting new modes to play in. However (There's that word again) I was expecting a decent fighting game, a challenge, some fun maybe...but all I got was disappointment.

The fighting in the game first off feels slow, I remember fighting with Maxi or Kilik or Taki and the speed that those characters fought with was amazing...but in this installment when I'm facing off against Ashtoroth and I'm Maxi...there's no reason Ashtoroth should get the first hit. Speed just feels so sluggish in this game. The fighting itself isn't all that difficult at all, there's no real strategy to the fighting, just mindlessly press **** and you'll eventually win. There's no incentive to really learn a characters move list because you can easily make it by with simple throw moves and a few basic combos. The need to block is pretty much non-existant, just flurry your combos and you'll be fine. The time it takes to unlock characters is about all of 20-30 minutes. Go through the story mode a couple times and you'll have more than enough gold to purchase every character...that's just weak, what do I have to look forward to when I've already unlocked every character? Oh yeah...character creation mode, that's what I have...meh. Seriously to really max out your character you have to put on the most ridiculous looking armor you've ever seen, so it's either look cool and have almost no stats at all or be maxed out but look like a giant hunk of metal moving across the screen.

I wanted to like this game being that I loved past ones, but namco just made it too difficult to do so. Story mode is short and non-sensical, fighting is slow and the end this game is just...meh.