One of the best games i have played on the PS3 It is hard to stop playing when you start with all of the stuff in it

User Rating: 10 | SoulCalibur IV PS3
One of the best games i have played on the PS3 It is hard to stop playing when you start with all of the stuff in it. but the game dose have some down sides for me but not enough to make it any lower then a ten for me. i both like and hate the fact that they made the story mode shorter with only five battles per story but at the same time i like it becasue its fast to beat a characters story mode i also like the new character creator mode i find it easyer to use becasue in SoulCalibur 3 you had to go to the shop and buy your weapons and gear but in this game you can buy it from the list but the one down side to the character creater is that they took out the custom weapons like the lance, knife and bomb, waveblades, and all the rest of the weapons now you pick from one of the main characters weapons not including darth vader his student and the bounes characters.

another good thing done to Soul Calibur 4 is you can give skills to your characters is the game the can stop a ring out or poison your oponent so you do have to think abit when doing this but i didn't like that the slowed one of my main chatacers to use Talim she use to be one of the fastest characters with good attack but the slowed her down but you can put her speed up to what most players of the series are use to in character creator

The visual in the game has to be one of the best i've seen on the play station three that i have seen since it came out there is nothing wrong at all with is that i can see so far the only realy problim i have seen in the visuals would be the some of the character weapons go threw them in there end or start battle video

a thing that was done almost perfect on SC4 was the Online i ahve played it and there is almost no lag the only lag that i saw was at the end of a battle when it says K.O. and it just froze for a sec so there is no problimes with the online play so i would suggest it to anyone you can use it. it is one of the funnest thing in the game

the last thing i want to talk about its the areanas and characters i would say that all the arenas are great and i like that they brought some of the arenas from old games back but they could have put a few more in the game and for the characters since the was said to be the last battle they should have brought back some of the other characters from soul Calibur Soul Edge ect like edge Master would have been a good character to put in and the didn't put in a all weapon character this time they could have kept olcodan or brought back sherade or necreid but over all the game is perfect for use i wouls have gave the game a 9.8 but since i can't i'll give it a 10