Soulcalibur is an amazingly beautiful game and faced pased fight but only lacked on a few things to make it a perfect 10
Next we get to the Multi-player which they finally added which makes the replay value of the game so much higher then it would of been. the matches are easy to find and hook up with Virtual no play when i play on the Playstation Network. i havent gotten myself into the ranked stuff yet cause im afarid of the hardcore player beating me flawlessly every math but non rated is fun enough for the not so highly skilled players. With the character creation makes the online every better cause you feel happy about seeign your creation coming to life to fight someone eles! The only problem i had with the editor was they i couldnt make my own Sith lord/Jedi Knight cause Darth Vader and The Apprentice's fighting styles were not avaiable to choose from.
To wrap it all up Soulcalibur 4 is a fresh new Way to bring the game back to like with its amazing beautiful visuals and the fast paced fighting with a few new extra things that you have come to love from the series.