Slash bang crach ring out that is what I have hered and done this new soulcalibur has a old whith a new twist.

User Rating: 6.5 | SoulCalibur IV X360
I just got the game and I thought it was great, but not amazing. Lets look back at the old soulcalibur III it had the same cariture craeation but I thought it was more simpler like the skill system is sort of confutioning. Also the single player in three had a sort of Rpg story line on the side and 4 replaced it with a tower advansing game ugh. I liked it when I couled use my cariture as a more influational person in the game.
Now lets look at the story Why is it shorter ya I asked it It was just fine and now there is only five stages only five what the hell, and the story is so confusing and I I just don't know. You go and make it to complicated.
Thought I have some good news yes me I know. The online play isn't bad no longer will I need a firened to play a fun v.s, but I digreas this is the sadest of all the soulcaliburs I played it lacked fealing and heart I will play it for fun but I hate it becuse I know youo can do better yes you can Blizzard.