Sexy! XD
Even the character creation is fun. Sometimes you'll walk out of there laughing b/c the outfit you have put together for the exact stats you want come out looking like you picked up stuff off the rack with you eyes closed lol.
The battles are challenging but not too excruciatingly painful. Arcade mode is definately hard, but it wouldn't be a fighting game without the difficulty.
Like everyone else, the one tiny tidbit that bothers me about the game is the short story line. But then again maybe not b/c the more I think about it... if there was greater detail more people would still complain that there could of have been even more added. Can't please everyone with every little nuance and detail.
Well ok so mebbie the blocking grab moves bothers me lol. Sometimes it felt like the computer blocked every grab I tried to sneak on it but it would successfully grab me every time. I coulda just been mad that I lost that round, who knows lol!
But really, its too beautiful not to love. Go Darth Vader! (Suffer!)