alright this is fun, the character creation was cool but it diddent keep me playing, and alot of the characters suck

User Rating: 7.5 | SoulCalibur IV X360
ok i rented it played it i first made a person a really hot girl with a sword, oh god she was hot. and she was kick a$$. then my little bro played and made a girl that sucked but anyway. i went to story and in 5 phases, you win. W.T.F?? ok that diddent have any story at all but what ever arcade might be better. i played it with yoda and he killed everyone then you win. still short but i got alot of money. baught characters. witch were made oveuss by a bunch of japanieze on drugs thinking there cool. well i made a BA character. played vs. my little bro. having fun. i played the stories of Whatever and got to sand or somthing and it was F**** inpossible. then i played less and stoped all at once. hey. it was fun when it lasted.. i wouldent buy this only rent it i buy it if it was 10$ or lower. if you like sword games go for it. but rent it first. and the difficulty is so easy one sec. then impossible the next. im done with this ill go back to playing CoD4!