Soulcalibur 4 is a great game.

User Rating: 8 | SoulCalibur IV X360
Soulcalibur 4 is a great fighting game. Its a very fun game to play. The action/fighting is fast paced and furious. Especially in the tower of souls mode.
The game play is great and there are cool moves to pull off. The combos are awesome and look great. The story mode is fun, but is way to short. Each character has his or hers story mode, but the main problem with it is that it's way to short. The story mode only lasts five stages. Also the arcade mode is way to short as well. It's only eight stages long. The most fun to be had with this game is in the tower of souls. You have to ascend twenty floors first and when you complete those twenty floors you open up/unlock the twenty floors that you need to descend. Tower of souls is a lot of fun and it is a great challenge. I find it very hard, but like I said a lot of fun. Right now I'm at the last floor/stage in tower of souls, but so far I can't beat it. This game has great replay value. its fun to go back and play the story modes, arcade mode, and the tower of souls. However I would have given this game a much higher score if story modes and arcade mode was a lot longer. Verus mode is a lot of fun too. I haven't played online, but I have read that it is a blast to play online.
I give 8 out of 10 for the gameplay. Great gamepaly. 8 out of 10 for the graphics. Awesome graphics. 8.5 out of 10 for the sound. The voice acting is great, the sound effects are very good, and the music suits a fighting game. 8 out of 10 for the value and replay value. Its fun to play this game over and over again. This game has great replay value. 9 out of 10 for the tilt. The controls in this game are superb. 9 out of 10 for the combat. 6 out of 10 for the storys. The storys like the arcade mode are way to short. Overall I give this great game an 8 out of 10. Its simply a great game to play, rent and to own!!!