sc5 has the best online system and cuztomization isa sc-game ever seen,,but it stops here;p
sc5 as good as the previous,,.--
seomwaht stiff gameplay,,no need for special attacks i mnthis game,,ruind it;p
though it has some good new and interesting ,,unqie char ,,moslty just 3 new char are;p,,,.-
like viola and wolfman,p;) ,,with its lame opening scene,,lame story mode,,makes me Zzz,,and just okay arcade mode,,too few modes,,worse otions menu,,cuz u cant change anything,,u are now 0wned;p,,.-
ehm anyway this game has athmopshere,,but i wish it had more,,
recycling char is just not good enough;p,,,
2player is always fun though;),,new arenas are good and interesting,,
Ai is suprisingly very hard,,almost too hard;p,,
it almost felt u where resitrcted alot i nthis game here ,,bsides onlnie and cizmazation ,,whihch where exelent,,
also not many round in simple arcade modes,,
all in all though the modes could hae been better,,
but i giues online and cuzmtomization makes up for it,,cuz they are both extremly strong;pp;),,thankfully;),,
anyway me out,,and cheers;D;)