Doesn't do much than others in the series
Single Player consits of a couple of different modes, including the standard versus and arcade modes; neither of which really needs to be changed or messed with. There's one mode that you can earn "titles" but at this point I haven't seen much point in trying to do so beyond having them for the sake of having earned them and possibly earning XP and gaining levels; something that helps unlock content in the creation mode. The tower of Souls introduced in Soul Calibur IV is gone and honestly those modes were pretty unique and should have stayed.
My big issue is in the story mode. The story isn't well written and only gives you control over a maximum of 6 or 7 different characters; a small portion of the roster. Also the story is told by way of a combination of traditional cutscenes and an almost comic book still frames. To me this combination is disjointed and disrupts the narative flow, not to mention that some of the comic still frames would be better told with full cutscenes. At times I think I'd rather just have text to read than have to deal with the still frames. Especially after playing another fighting game within the last year, *cough, cough* the newly revamped Mortal Kombat *cough, cough*, I see that a fully fledged story mode as well written and presented as some RPGs is possible.
The creation mode is also a bone of contention for me. In Soul Calibur IV different items had different effects on your stats and one could spend time searching for the best combination that would give you the greatest advantage; while looks were not necessarily a consideration. In Soul Calibur V, your gear selection doesn't affect your stats, meaning you can put together the look you want.
However, as with Soul Calibur IV, you are limited to the move sets of the roster. Essentially you are only able to create repaints of the existing roster. Certainly your creation won't look like one of the characters on the roster but they will play like one. Honestly there should be a handful of fighitng styles not used by the roster which a player can select, therefore creating a truly unique character.
Additionally the roster of characters seems to be smaller this time round. Maybe the designers thought to get rid of redundancies in the roster but doing so has limited the choice of players. A weapons based fighting game has its soul in having different characters with different weapons and fighting styles; this game seems to be resting on its laurels in that department. Only ZWEI and Viola offer anything new for players that have played previous games. Beyond that any "new" character is a repaint of an old character with a slight change in fighting style. As for Ezio, he seems a shadow of his Assassin's Creed self, merely a guest character for the sake of having a guest character.
Honestly, if there is to be a Soul Calibur VI, which there could be, an expanded roster, more coherent narrative and presentation of said narrative, and more modes for single player are key to success.