I imagine many people will love this game for its multi-faceted combat scheme -- you have to turn on the correct colored field to be able to beat each enemy (if you do not, you break your combos and get in trouble), and you must conserve your health by countering attacks with precise timing. The system seems well implemented, though getting a perfect counter when there is a lot of action on the screen is pretty hard.
Myself, I almost gave up on Chapter 2 -- even on "Normal" difficulty, the game was a bit too punishing for my old, tired reflexes. Later on, some levels are probably (see below) a nightmare, since one single wave might contain enemies of both colors, and they move around a lot, making it very hard to keep the correct field on at all times.
But behold! The developers included an "Assist Mode" in the options menu. With that, you can turn on "auto-countering" and "auto-field" (with a little score penalty, if you care) and voila! The game became a lot of fun even for newbies like me! There was still a bit of challenge in combat, which was still quite hectic, but I was able to really enjoy the game, and its wonderful world building and story.
And it is a good story indeed, with great storytelling as well (no spoilers, go see it yourself). Score: 85/100.