The Good: Clever and witty writing, fun RPG elements, captures the look of the show, great easter eggs for fans
The Bad: Combat is too easy, can be too vulgar for some people, a little on the short side, not much to do outside of combat
First thing I need to get out of the gate. This is the only good game in existence. The terrible games on N64 and PC were just awful and wasn't deserving of the license. The Stick of Truth captures the spirit and humor of the series perfectly while also injecting current gaming culture jokes and gameplay quips.
You play as a custom character who just moved to South Park. You get sucked into the kids' Dungeons & Dragons game that runs through the whole entire city. Cartman is the leader of the humans and Kyle is the leader of the Elves. Right off the bat the humor kicks in with you being able to select various classes including the Jew class which is actually awesome. There are various side quests that have you meeting nearly every character in the series which is great for fans. The game is actually a turn based RPG which is a huge departure from the series' past games which consisted of racing, shooting, and mini-games. The game is fairly easy since your character levels up at an unbalanced rate and you completely heal and restore all other points between battles. With that said the combat consists of magic, melee, and abilities which are extremely humorous and down right original.
As a jab to Skryim, your character is the Dragonborn who can use the power to fart to kill enemies. This is part of South Park's potty humor which some people may not care for. The game just gets more vulgar as it goes on with full on nudity and sex. Even a part where you get an anal probe power and you shrink down to size and crawl through a gay slave's intestines. Sounds outrageous, and it is, but no one could have gotten away with this 15 years ago. Back to the combat, various abilities include Circum-scythe which has you using a scalpel and slicing off armor and adding a bleeding effect. Most battles require buffs and debuffs to actually win. Recovery items are plenty and weapons and armor are constantly thrown at you. You can swap various buddies out that have different abilities, and in between fights some of these abilities are used in the walking areas.
Outside of the combat there's not much else to do besides side quests. The most involved part is the combat, but it does get repetitive towards the end due to the game being so easy. At least there's a variety in everything from environments to characters, but only hardcore fans will want to get through all the side quests. The game is far from boring, and the writing is clever and witty, I just wish there was more outside fighting enemies. The graphics capture the style of the show and won't be making any GPUs sweat, but the voice acting is spot on and it just feels like you're playing a South Park cartoon. If you can stomach the mature humor, you are in for one interesting RPG.