I'll not beat around the bush I am a huge South Park fan, their first eight season our some of the best television you can watch, The rest of the show? well... some of its not bad but as you really start getting to newer South Park episodes you start to realize the show isn't even close to what it used to be and the plots our so out their that sometimes it's hard to watch some of the episodes, I mean seriously sometimes the plots in their episodes go way off the deep end, but this is a game review not a TV show review huh? The reason I'm telling you this is because I was actually going to pass on this game because I thought Matt Stone and Trey Parker had just lost the magic and that this would just be an unfunny RPG that was not fun. Well after playing this game I have to say that the statement I just made is completely untrue in fact some of the comedy in this game made me laugh so hard that I cried, and also the RPG system is a lot of fun, simple, but really fun. I know this has nothing to do with my actual review but I just wanted to say also That maybe if Matt Stone and Trey Parker actually put time in their show and didn't make an actual episode that week that it might be as funny as this game.
Story: So basically the story starts off with you as the new kid who moves into SouthPark your father makes you go out to make new freinds I mean literally makes you, if you explore the house he will throw you out of the house and then if you try to open the door and come back in he will yell at you to stop bothering them and make more freinds and then he will lock the door, a hilarious start to the story. After this you will see Butters fighting someone in a game he is playing, if you go and punch the kid he will run away and Butters will take you to Kupa Keep, you will learn the ways of a warrior, and Cartman will tell you to choose you class of warrior, after this the whole game is basically trying to get back the stick of truth, also while you are playing this little game with them, you are abducted by aliens, you will escape and destroy their ship. After this the government will try to cover it up and say that its a Taco Bell (huh? sounds reasonable enough to me lol) The ship is leaking a type of goo that turns people into Nazi Zombies, At this time in the story since Clyde has been banished he makes his own group with Nazi Zombies and takes the Stick of Truth, Kyle King of the Elves must work with Cartman to get the Stick of Truth back. I will get to the rest of the story later in my review but I just wanted to mention that the story is pretty good in this game thanks to really great comical writing.
Presentation:The whole overworld of this game is basically a living breating town of South Park from the show I mean literally thats what it is down to every detail, Their is so much of the show crammed into the game you won't believe your eyes and this alone, makes this game for the fans of this show a must buy. Sure graphically wise it might not be very impressive but it's not about that,w the actual detail is making this feel like the real town of South Park and not by the actual look of it. The soundtrack is great in this one also it has great tunes from the show that will have you laughing and also a lot of original tunes that are actually suprisingly quite good, The presentation on the outside might not look like anything too special but if you look past its exterior what you see is something so charming, you will have the urge to explore every area to see what the devs will think of next.
Gameplay: Sometimes you almost forget that their is actual gameplay to this game because most of your time is literally spent just looking around through the town and I'm not trying to say this is a bad thing, in fact quite the opposite since you are losing yourself in the game so much you actually end up forgetting your objectives, and that is a mark of a good game. The main gameplay is a turn based RPG, most compare it to the styles of Paper Mario and really that's what it is but its got a complexity of its own too it, their really isn't a whole lot to the actual gameplay I mean sure their our certain tricks you can learn to solve puzzles in the game but most of the gameplay is the actual RPG element to the game and it's great their is really nothing I can say that I feel makes the RPG mechanics bad, even some of the animations the actual attacks are awesome, seeing Professor Chaos and his wheel of doom will get you excited every time you see it done or even Cartman's firecrackers will be exciting to watch. The game can be pretty hard but most of the beginning is pretty simple, you really need to know what you are doing in order to really get good at the game cause if you don't you won't stand a chance in the later stages. Most bosses in the game are fun to fight the only one I didn't really care for was the Nazi aborted fetus(boy interesting boss huh?) The reason I really hated this boss was his continual regeneration of health and also his health and defense were really high, it took me quite a while to beat him. The gameplay isn't the most in depth RPG system ever, but in its own right it still has a lot of things going for it, the gameplay is pretty good. I also wanted to mention I would of probably gave this game an 8.5(obviously on my written review) or a 9, but there were just so many bugs in this game some not very major that I can ignore but their was just one I couldn't ignore, and basically what happened was I beat Craig the game continued the cut scene but instead of showing the cut scene the screen went dark, I could hear what everyone was saying in the game but I could not progress because I obviously could not see where I was going and not only that but if I tried to fight Craig again I still couldn't progress so I had to go back an hour and a half from where I was cause luckily I did have a save point at an earlier point and luckily I could go on. I realize that just sometimes great games might have bugs that the develpers overlooked but this just got me in a bad mood finishing the game because it made me waste my time.
(Spoiler Alert)After beating Clyde, Kenny betrays you and takes the stick of the truth for herself(Well technically Kenny is a guy but in the game I feel it only natural to call him a her.) You must battle Kenny in the final battle, after beating her she drinks some of the goo to turn herself into a Nazi Zombie, You better be ready for a long fight because even though you will defeat her she will keep getting up, soon your friends will help you and you will have to break the gentleman's rules by farting on Kenny's balls, obviously quoted in the game many times, and saying that you should never fart on someones balls, and after that well that's the end of the game and the credits roll just like the end of an episode.
Overall South Park Stick of Truth is a pretty good game The fan service they put in this game alone is worth the purchase for any fan, and anybody new to the show will find this game funny and the RPG system is easy for anyone to pickup, basically what I am saying is pick this game up.