The games Gameplay is fun....It starts off with simple beats and goes on to faster ones. You play as Ulala, a reporter from Space Channel 5. Who is on the mission to defeat the aliens by DANCING. The Gameplay approaches that same seen in Parapa The Rapper. Instead of actually pressing a corresponding button like X or A....You simply have each button do and action. For example UP, DOW, UP, DOW, CHU, CHU, CHU.....where as in CHU would shoot an alien. Ulala will react in dancing moves as you press the buttons. That is not all you need to listen to the beats of the music as well.
On the graphics site game looks good....not the best but good. I will simply say that to me the Dreamcast versions look lot beater. The game has nice environments that resembles space. Nice colors and animation. The characters are blocky....but for this type of game I don’t see it a problem.
There are nice beats and voices are alright. There is no Dolby Digital to be selected in the options.
For the price that a got this game is worth it. Even if more the game has a nice value. 2 Games.....and if you have never played Space Channel 5 Part 2 the this game is the one. The game is unique and it deserves a try.