This one is fun for the first go through, but gets stale quick. Worth renting if you enjoy the genre.

User Rating: 5.2 | Space Channel 5 Part 2 PS2
This game is not standard fare for me, I must admit, but it was a guilty pleasure for a while. The rhythmic timing and addictive nature of the game will bring out the perfectionist in anyone, especially the musically or rythmically inclined. I, being more of the musical side and much less of the rhythmic side, enjoyed this game for a while, but after you have unlocked some features and played through the game with your friends, the luster dulls quickly.

High points: The game is addictive. The levels give you special bonuses for nailing all the beats, so that adds some replay value if you are the type who enjoys squeezing all of the juice out of their games. Also, some of the songs are admittedly catchy and will get stuck in your head

Low points: The game has a VERY low replay value. Once you beat it, many gamers will move on to something else, and this title will collect dust, as it does for me. Also, the graphics are abyssmal, but I guess most people aren't playing this game for graphical goodness anyway. Regardless, an attempt at a graphics with a post-N64 look wouldn't have hurt the game, I'm sure.

Conclusion: Fun for a while, fun with friends, and possible fun at a boring party. However, the fun is short lived, and the game will be shelved within 2 months of purchase. Worth a rental though, especially for music and rhythm game fans who don't like DDR or who like DDR and want a break. Below Averge.