Space empire IV
User Rating: 8.8 | Space Empires IV Deluxe PC
Even though this SEIV is a very complex, and deep strategy game,this game is THE BEST turn based rts i've ever played. Not to mention you control almost every action of your units, you can even give them instruction on what to do in a certain situation like what to do if engaging enemy forces and fully customize your units for certain tasks! like arming your ships with missiles that gives them the ability to obleriate tough units, customize units to transport other units for a massive planetary invasion.
The game is not limited to barbaric fighting has you have other options to fight your enemy, like sabotaging the units or planets that your enemy owns, or even destroying enemy held territory rathger than sweeping that area clean.
And most of all, the vast no. of races to choose from ensures that you have a variety of ways to get around in this digital universe.
This is recommeded for gamers who prefer Strategy games.