This is not the Enterprise !!!!
The problem is that once you complete the story mod and max out your ship there is nothing left to do since by then you will get sick of the side quests which are not bad but most of them are the same, withuot spoiling anything the main quest story sucks!
The timing and cloaking devices are big joke to put it shortly! I tottaly agree with people saying that the game could have been much better the basis is good they just need to improve basicly everything better story, side quests .......
I still recommend playing the game to all space fans!
Some tips for TOTAL NOOBS:
Many people complained about how hard the game is.
It's actually too easy !!
This is not the Enterprise and you are not Cpt. Piccar got it.
You are a pilot and can get shot down once your shield is taken down you get a couple of torpedos and ist over specially if several ships shoting you at once.
First: load up as many torpedoes you can and use them once you take down their shield keep firing them and you can take them befor they use their nanobot.the misiles are your real advantage agains the AI.
Second:Primary weapons are not effective against everybody For example turbolasers are good against pirates but usless agains the collective..
Third: Select a friendly ship open com channel (look up option controls if you don't know) press 1 join formation and you have a wingmen fighting on your side (costs money) and taking orders from you. You can have up to 3 wingmen So you load up the best missiles and hang out with 3 ships on your side the game becomes too easy you can actually have some poor ship with big space and trade around.
I was palying soldier class and my ship was strong so fro me 1 wingmen was more than enough. I let you figure out the rest..