Have to say I am very much enjoying this game. Most complaints are the same....tough learning curve and corny story.
Well, it could be, if you don't know what you're buying, so try the demo.
I did and now I got the full game and am loving it even more. I'll start off with the problems, so I can end with the good stuff =D so maybe it won't put you off that much.
- Obviously the biggest problem of all is the learning curve. But hey once you get around thats....how is it a problem for you? Took me an hour to settle in I believe. After that hour is over and you've settled in hopefully, your biggest complaint ceases to exist and so that blows a few of those reviews out into the water.
- Graphics do tend to have some weird effects at times which can be annoying, but you rarely notice them. Only once in a while.
- Story is aweful....really can't be called a story. If I were you just skip the story and make your own character and do what you like. Actually some of those reviews just talk about how crap the story is and never mentioned the alternative game style.
- Well there are a few minor other problems I've found till now, like seeing where a missle's comming from or knowing what is shooting me (like a turret platform). Kinda annoying little things but thats all.
Now to get on to the good stuff!!
- Fast action...well the game litterally places you in the story game right in your test and you're attacked right away. In any dog fight, the combat of this game is incredible...all kinds of insane stuff going on, and at the same time you can have a wing of fighters with you aiding you as well. Lasers and bullets blazing everywhere, missles flying by, EMPs knocking those missles out, its quite insane. When you first start out, the stuff you have is crappy but can be replaced, but untill you get the better equipment, you're battles will take long, since you gotta really hit those ships hard.
Oh by the way, yeah it has a form of Neutonian Physics. You can do quick dodge moves to avoid getting blasted by heavy lazers or hopefully a missle will just miss you if you have no power for an EMP
- Incredible AI - Yeah I just put it right on hard, flying through space heading a space station to unload....next second zzuooommmm 4 enemy fighters warp in and its an insane fight, with missles on my ass like crazy and me trying to shake them. Yeah I lost actually, having a hard time against those missles. The AI itself uses Neutonian Physics!!!
- By the way, once that shield goes, your armour is the only thing between you and death.....and when that armour is getting smacked and wacked, your ship really feels the impact and shakes and can get hard to shoot accurately with. So try to make your shield last!
- Lots of stuff to do....Trading, crafting, hacking, raiding, the universe is at your disposal. Its what people are calling a Massive Open Ended game, which is like Eve or any other Strategy-Space Sim MMO, except this is an offline sandbox. Personally I prefer Starforce: RU to Eve cause I'm not much into the Strategy Sims. I'm more of a real time, fast paced action, FPS style player. Become a pirate or a bounty hunter. You can even be a policemen lol.
- All kinds of items to your disposal which I haven't seen yet but am dying to get my hands on. 2 items in particular are a cloaking device and a time machine or something. No idea how they work, but they are 2 incredibly extremely rare items which you have to make yourself and once you do, they are at your disposal. THe game has 2 keys on your keyboard reserved for those 2 items. Sounds cool. Oh by the way, on youtube there is the recording of a nuclear missle blowing up. Check it out!
Let me finish this off by saying, this game has its good and bad sides. Its honestly a good game, but people expected more out of it. Remember the genre its in, which is a dying genre. Needs to be revived a little with something fresh (not saying Starforce: RU is it), just saying there have been very much worse! Its a good game because there are those people who really enjoy playing it like myself. And then it has its annoying problems with put a lot of people off...in my opinion for the wrong reasons. You don't play this sort of game for the corny story and you can't keep complaining about the game's learning curve if you know how to play the game and settled into it. Anyway, play the demo, find out for yourself if you think you'll enjoy this game or not. The forums on http://www.spaceforce-game.com/forum/ have a tonne of information on how to play the game.