Exactly what it sounds like....space invaders only more extreme.

User Rating: 7 | Space Invaders Extreme PSP
Space invaders extreme attempts to revitalize the old-school space invaders gameplay. And space invaders is still fun even after all these years mostly due to new weapons and mini-challenges that keep things fresh, oh and don't forget boss fights. Space invaders extreme looks crisp and clean but there are tons of things blowing up and things flying around and in many cases there are too many things going on at once making the gameplay convoluted and confusing. Sound is good but mostly just standard bleeps and bloops. Gameplay is tight and responsive. Space invaders is an incredably short game that is far too hard. The game is branching letting you choose easy, normal, hard and very hard levels. This is great except easy levels are more like normal levels, normal are really really hard and hard are near immpossible and lastly very hard levels are impossible. The rediculous difficulty is obviously an attempt to stretch the dozen or less 10 minute levels into hour to multi-hour levels that you will have to replay over and over and over again till you finally beat them. After you beat the dozen or less levels, thats it because shooting for high-scores is pointless because there are no leader-boards. Really the only reason that this game isn't a bad game is because inspite all it's flaws, many they may be, you can't help but have fun. Space invaders is fun and thats what counts in the long run and if you want a hard game space invader extreme's very hard levels are nothing short of beating contra from start to finish blind-folded with one life and no cheats and you have no hands. So it's got that going for it.