One of the earlier examples of how movies and games usually don't mix.

User Rating: 3.5 | Space Jam PS
Space Jam was a movie where Micheal Jordan was swept up into the world of Looney Tunes because they had been challenged to a fateful match by the Monstars. Of course, where there's a popular movie, there's bound to be a game to come alongside it. There was, and it really wasn't much.

The only thing that even makes it 32-bit console level in terms of graphics are some detailed sprites and crowds that move around a little bit. Get rid of those and you would be left with a Super Nintendo game. It's 2D and lacks any real advanced graphical technologies of the time. The sprites do resemble their cartoon counterparts pretty well, though that's about it. Sound is also not a strong point to this game either, I will note.

I hadn't even actually played NBA Jam and I could still see how it was knocking off that series. It's done so poorly though that it takes little strategy to win and you can constantly use the same techniques to keep taking the game and scoring. You could just sit under the opponent's basket with someone good with rebounds and catch it in the air (which is very easy to do). Stealing is as simple as running up beside the guy and pressing a button and it'll fall right out of his hands. Each game is very predictable, though also short, thankfully. If anything, the game is good enough to not be broken.

There are different minigames done during the 1st and 3rd intermissions, and a certain one during half-time, though they're so simple and easy they'll soon just turn into a bother. The half-time game resembles something that happened in the movie, though it is very basic. You're set in a locker room, and are simply tasked with opening them to find up to 10 water bottles within the time limit. There can be other things in them, like stuff that blows up in your face, though like the game itself, it wears off fast. Shooting minigames and stuff like that are meant to entertain you through 1st and 3rd intermissions, though you'll just want to get back to the game with some of these.

It's barebones, basic, and by far the easiest basketball game I've ever played. You may have liked the movie, though you'll probably end up thinking differently about the game.