Humor at it's best from outter space...
First off, understand right away, they made 2 version of this game, typed controlled version, and the point-and-click version. The typed controlled version, you literally had to type in your commands in, such as "Get card" or "Give fruit to ape". This was the first version of this game. Later on, they updated the game to be the point-and-click version, as we know it today, to become part of the future versions that would also follow this gameplay system. Overall, the game was still finished in the same manner, but the graphics for the typed controlled version were very yucky, but what did you expect from 1989. Anyways, the version I played was the point-and-click, and personally, that's the game you should play, and it was funny and fun at the same time. The animations were very well done and the art work for the backgrounds gave a very good impression of what the future looked like, but with some comedy to it. I will say there were a lot of jokes in reference to old black-n-white space movies as well as just hilarious types of ships and interactions with creatures.
Since I am refering to the point-and-click, I will say that using a mouse was most benefitial to the user and works great for adventure games like this. It's very useful when you need to do a transition from one kind of interaction to another, such as taking the key from the table so you can exit the building. Overall, this is the best way to play an adventure game. Anyother way, and it just wouldn't have worked. It was bad enough when it was originally a typed controlled game, I had when you only have so much time to do something and you are not a good typer.
First off, keep in mind that this game runs in DOS mode, so if you know how to use DOS, then you will be okay. Also, SIERRA was not only famous for making adventure games, but also making adventure games where if you missed an item or forgot to do something, most cases, you couldn't go back and fix it. Once it was done, it was done and no turning back. Plus, it is very benefitial to have a sound card. Especially when you get to the space bar and you can hear the music of the music group ZZ TOP. (Or at least a spoof of ZZ TOP). But the other reason for a sound card is because certain times you will need it to hear a sound to indicate a monster or something coming to you. So if you like adventure games with a little humor and fun, Space Quest is a game to try out. It even has a good story.