A Sierra classic! Featuring a janitor.
Maybe because it was my first, but the Space Quest series still is my favourite. Space Quest II was an adventure still in the pre-point-and-click era. So you where still limited to your classic text adventure style 'GET THIS' and 'DO THAT' commands and guiding your character around with the directional keys.
A good story, for it's day good graphics (even in Hercules) and some maneuvering your character through flesh eating squidlike creature tendrills. And as was normal for adventure games back then, lot's of game saving. Because death was frequent if you didn't collect the correct items and applied them correctly. Or just simply walked into a hole.
In this sequel our hero Roger Wilco finds himself captured and then stranded on a planet infested by Vohauls goons and we have to guide him through his adventure to escape from the planet and Vohaul and his goons. This is done with a real 'Space Quest' feel to it, which includes quite a few 'eureka!' and fun moments :)