Roger is once again in the middle of an adventure against his will.

User Rating: 8.8 | Space Quest II: Chapter II - Vohaul's Revenge PC
It was no suprise that Sierra decided to make a sequel to a great game. This is following suit with their Kings Quest game. You once again follow the goofy space janitor Roger Wilco. After his first run in with the Sariens, he has been put on a space colony, and the game starts out with him sweeping the outside of the colony. Roger is then told to clean up some puke in a recently docked space shuttle. He is then kidnapped by a man called Sledge Vohaul. After your confrontation with Vohaul, you are taken to a jungle planet and then transferred by two guys who look like they were taken from planet of the apes. During the transfer, the hover pad you are on runs out of gas, and you crash deep in the jungle. This is where the adventure begins.

Once again, Space Quest 2 uses the Sierra AGI engine, so if you played the first one, you will be familiar with all of the graphics in this game. You control Roger by using the arrow keys, and can act with using typed out commands. Along the way you will find your way through the jungle and even an asteroid fortress where you will even be shrunk. This time around there aren't any mini games, so it's all adventure. The graphics are all a very block cartoon, but even though it's low res dos graphics, you will still clearly see what is happening. The sound is all played through the internal PC speaker, so there are many beeps and blurps.

Space Quest 2 is a great addition the the Space Quest series, even if it isn't the best sequel. If you liked the first Space Quest, then you will want to play 2 to see where Roger finds himself at next. Space Quest 2 and Rogers fight with Vohaul is a huge reference in every Space Quest after this one, so don't miss it.