Space Quest V: The Next Mutation is simply one of the best point and click adventure games around.
This game does require a lot of problem solving, puzzles, and thinking, so make sure that this is the type of game for you, since the number of games like SQV is limited. There is not much “action,” but there certainly is more than enough to keep a player glued to the screen, racking their brains, trying to figure out what to do when being chased by a metal chick terminator-like robot with a jet pack and a bad attitude.
The basics of the game, in case you’ve never played a point and click game, is that you point and click. You can achieve many tasks by simply pointing and clicking including, and not limited to, moving your character, talking to others, examining objects, picking up items, accessing and using items from your inventory with the surroundings, and even dodging acidic death loogies.
The game is played by gathering information, collecting items, combining items, and using them along with some brain power to solve puzzles. Some puzzles are exceedingly more difficult than others, and some require information from the manual, to avoid mass distributions of copies. If you don’t have a manual, there are definitely on-line sources to help you out with those puzzles, along with any other ones you may have problems with. When the game came out, the strategy guide was the main source of hints, but now there is access to much more information on the web, which is nice if you’re trying to go back and play a classic game as such, without access to a hint book.
If you were ever interested or curious about the point and click genre of games that seems to now be a thing of the past, definitely check out Space Quest V: The Next Mutation. You won’t be disappointed.