Chris Taylor and his crew do an old school game and they didnt do so good.
The Game tells a story about the human race in the midst of the XXII century, in which we have reached the stars and found out - what a suprise - that the creatures hidden in space arent very friendly. The Kerak Race, because that is how the ''aliens'' are called, invaded earth and killed almost all of the human population. Only the last ship - Armstrong - is running away from the Kerak race, aboard with the last humans. The attackers sent troops on the human ship and the last hope of our race is a military engineer - Seth Walker, which you will be playing with. Our Target? To help the survivors escape. To help us with that mission we will have a robot companion called HR-V. The story is very shallow and seems to have been used so many times before. The characters are dull and the action turns are very predictible. The game is straight like a line, you have no freedom in what you are doing at all. Example? In other productions you got a couple of quests at once sometimes and you can choose in what order you will do them. However, in Space Siege you always have only one mission to handle at once, when you complete it you get a next one. Something like secondary missions practicly does not exist here (there not enough npcs to give them to you anyways). From time to time you get an information that theres a new weapon or cybernetic in the area. You gain acces to other parts of the ship in time - only then when it is neccesery to continue the game.
During the game we unblock more abilities which are divided into three groups - Combat, Engineer and the Robot(HR-V). We use them by assigned keys, seth and the robot got seprate space to assign those. The abilities are such like - granade throwing, killing hit and other skills like that. We can also find two skill-trees, one is related to combat, the other to engineering. A seprate element of growing your character is upgrading your gear. While playing we collect parts, which we use to upgrade Seth's and HR-V's armors and weapons. We can use them only on specially designated engineer tables. Thanks to those upgrades we gain some immunities or more fire power. You can also build first aid kits, granades and other stuff that comes in handy in the battle. If our robot dies we can buy a new ''copy'' in a special machine. The new robot will have all of the old HR-V's stats.
Some major growth on our hero can be made by founding on our way seven cybernetic organs - eye, legs etc. If we do not mind loosing our humanity in time we can change our hero into a one hudret percent cyborg, which benefits alot in battle. It makes the character more efficient, lets us hold special weapons and unlocks new skills. When the game was beeing made the GPG studio claimed that it will be a very hard choice whether to stay human, or sacrifice youreself and your humanity. Turns out its very simple. It comes down to finding an implant, when you do, one of your companions strongly suggests to use it, the other says not to do modify your body. Besides the game is quite easy that you do not really feel the need to pack yourself with cybernetics that much, only some of the basic. Alot of noise about nothing.
One of the cool things in good hack'n'slashes is finding loads of good stuff and gear which we can buy, sell, compare and admire. Unfortunately Space Siege isnt really good on that part either. In the time of the entire game we find like ten weapons + some weapons for HR-V. We wear the same armor all the time, although its looks change while we upgrade it later on. The enemies drop only the parts I mentioned earlier. You can forget about gloves +4 and all that.
The fights look exacly the same like in all of these types of games - you just need to right-click the enemy to attack. Seth can use some very deadly and effective weapons and skills. Using the latter is restricted by energy and the fact that there is a few seconds cooldown after each skill. There is also HR-V that is controled by the computer, who bravely supports our hero. You can give him some basic commands. If we die we respawn on our last checkpoint without any consequenses so there is no stress here.
In terms of realization Space Siege presents itself average. Locations are monotone and boring. The game looks ok but it is not the level you can expect from a todays production with aspirations. The physics do not look so cool either - objects seem too light.
If I had to classify Space Siege in few words I'd say its a budget production from a good house. A creation of people that know how to do games but sometimes seem too lazy. Shallow story, not much cliamte, avrege graphics and monotone in general. Space Siege world is simply uninteresting and the gameplay does not offer anything that would convince to pull an all-nighter - no bigger emotions. I have completed the game in about 8 hours but I could just happily throw it in a corner after one hour without feeling I lost anything.