It can be good or bad depending on the buyers tastes.
I find the fun factor extremely low especially compared to most games that I've played, and I've played and own over 100 different games. The game is not that fun.
The control and gameplay are pretty easy to master but it is hard to tell what everything in your space station does. It has a good character creator and doesn't need a very experienced player. The controls are easy as SSS is a game with a point and click control style.
The graphics aren't too good. The game would even work on some of the older operating systems. At least SSS is in 3D.
The sound effects are one of the best parts of the game and I've seen newer programs with voiceovers that are just as realistic. The sound effects were good too, but not as good as some of the newer games.
The gameplay can go on forever. No one would be that stupid though. I didn't hate the game, but it wasn't one of my favorites either.
Overall SSS is okay but it has pros and cons depending on the buyers tastes. It's not one of the last games i would buy, but it's not one of the first either.