Pitiful just Pitiful.

User Rating: 1 | SpaceStationSim PC
I played the game and it was absolutely dreadful their was no storyline and the controls for this game are as hard to operate as concrete. This game is just like all of the other sim games just pitiful. I would rather be bungy jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge for two hours that play this game again. The designers should have went back to the drawing board before they produced this train wreck. And their was no objectives it was just boring. I don't know why you love this game so much but I don't. The graphics are okay just like any other game's graphics. This is why I don't like the sims because the whole thing is just a total letdown. The sims is just nothing like a real fun game you can sit down too now this is a game where you can sit down and pass out from being bored. This games theme is the theme of being bored and what people like now days is action/adventure and if this game had just that it would be in the safety zone.