Best semd game after sonic and knucles and sonic 2

User Rating: 10 | Sparkster GEN
Sparkster 2 or rocket knight 2 one of the blue magic sega games with sonic for sega mega drive and sega genesis. Like sonic 1 sparkster 1 rocket advebtures eas superb game at time but colors gameplay like sonic one kinda not too great. Espcialy sparkster 1 gameplay little bugged feeling like you always using your tail for jump to jump and cant use rockets full potensial all the time. Like sonic 2 has game feels sonic 2.0 more advance; sparster 2 rockey knight feels sparkster 3.0 and gamelplay improved beyond some elements go beyond sonic games like coridorup and down rocket flying in geometry. Games its more hard then sonic and when you select easy its not complate game only half levels evdn boss changes. İ think even normal not all game levels mayne most of usrs or reviews never complate all game becouse of that only all levels available in hard. Comapared to sonic games only sonic and knucles game advance than sparktet 2 i thin bceouse of that it was 3.d best game in genesis or md or in top 5. Nowadays most of game media not knows the game threy even remeber vector man but lol no one remember this game. All i can say sparster rocket knight or sparkster 2 kinda kngiht game ing sega. İ like egypt level espcialy in pyramids some of the level areas you can go but cant survive there was a shortcut or traped paths inthis way kinda kids dark souls. Sworded blue rocket knight seems more exactable and rpg feelind then sonic. Final leves ,big robots runnig andfighting level, baloon flying level ,egypt level, first island level like sonic with more deadly traps,enemyies big boss like vaderish and music its all great ithink still compared sonic mania , mario and shovel knight this blue knight sparster 2 rocket knihgt better. One of thing game did better than first one yo cant attack flying sword actual you using sword like sword and flying rocket sword this much more realistic future or old knight feeling.