A must-get strategy game that will have you hooked in just a few minutes.

User Rating: 9 | Spartan (2004) PC
This game is very highly complex well sort-of. It's difficulty is easy at first but gets extremely hard in later stages of the game even on the lowest difficulty setting! Fear not all you really have to do is keep expanding and don't keep large armies around because they eat away at your food supply! Well its a very well executed game for its genre (turn-based strategy) its use of resources and armies is very realistic facing you with problems only the real leaders of the time would face! And the events are so historically accurate its incredible.The game has a great expansion and its predecessors are also very great games I highly recommend that you try them out before buying this game. That's just a small recommendation though so you could get a feel of how the game genre is meant to be played. Anyway you should put this game in your wish list for 2009. And don't forget to have a great New Year!