It was good until i was in space. What? And you only play with army in first two or three levels then it just gets weird. Why did this game TOTALLY RIP GOD OF WAR OFF, and manage to do a bad job. But its fun, so wait untill it gets on Greatest hits and then pick it up. You wont regret it at 20 bucks. Yippe the dog goes home at midnight. and then i get sad. oh no. i love dogs. my cat is sleeping on my bed. and its purring. i need 100 words. and it is taking forever
SPARTAN : TOTAL WARRIOR - PS2 The Gamespot review is dead-on. However, I tally the score for this game from Gamespot's rating of 7.1 to 9.0. The game grabbed me and got into my veins that pump that wild gaming b... Read Full Review
Ok this game is just great fun to play, and the story will keep you entertained all the way, even if it is a bit short, but hey most games seem short these days as most games are very big and lenthy. That's not to say th... Read Full Review