Fun with a lot of action hack and slash!!!

User Rating: 8.4 | Spartan: Total Warrior GC
If you like hack and slash games this game is for you. Not only because it is a hack and slash game, but because it can fit 275 people in the screen at once. This game takes place when the Roman is about to attack you city Sparta and you need to defend your nation. In this game you get to use different veriaty of weapons. Each weapon has it's own special magic power. The fighting is just the same old thing everytime you play but it is still fun to kill people repeatedly. Besides killing people there is some Greek mythogical monsters in the game like a Hydra, Minatour, and many more! The boss battle in this game is pretty cool. There is a balance amount of missions in this game so it is can last you 10 hours or less. The graphic in this game is decent, but the voice acting is a little not in place. They talked with a American accent and sometimes it seems like the characters don't care while when they talk. Some mission offers some epic battle but most of the time it leaves you wondering what you're going to do next. There is Arena mode where you keep on fighting until you get a high score.This game offers some replay value because there is some few items hidden in the level.One of the best hack and slash I ever played, if you like mythogical war fighting, than you will like this.