Button Mashing Gore Filled Fun

User Rating: 7.5 | Spartan: Total Warrior XBOX
This game is a definate buttin masher despite what the instructions say that come with the game. It DOES require some strategy at times but mostly you will be mashing the attack buttons while pulling the trigger or clicking the left thumbstick to lay down some pretty gorey moves. I like the fact you get various weapons each with various magic abilities and can change them at a moments notice by using left or right on the "Nintendo cross" controller. I was however expecting more of a RPG aspect when it came to upgrading your character. Instead you just pretty much get predetermined weapons and get to upgrade your characters stats like "Add to health" or "add to damage" etc. but thats just my fault for expecting something without researching first. It in no way hurt the gaming experience. What DID hurt the gaming experience was various game glithes namely the Hydra BOSS glitch my friends and I encountered three times in a row when trying to defeat it. To hurt this boss you must wait for it to attack then chop the head a few times to get some magig built up, then next time it attack chop it with the spear after using the fire magic, it will then lose it's heafd and you can injure it by blasting the headless neck with fire arrows. The glitch we encountered was the head would get chopped by the spear while using the fire maging, the hydra would then duck down off screen and the heads were all in tact. it got stuck in this loop indefinately until you either died or retried. VERY annoying. There were a few other minor glitches in the game like a few sound related ones and some minor graphic glitches but nothing else too big. The games level of difficulty was just enough to really P!SS you off to make you REALLY want to beat it. Which in my book is perfect. My favorite aspect of the game is the arena mode, it's the closest thing you can play in the game that will allow you to compete with friends. No, it's not a multi-player battle, it's single player. You get to choose your Allies, power ups etc that are available, then go to battle trying to survive as many rounds as you can, each round you lose a few men from the previous battle (*Most likely) and the enemies army grows fiercer. The object is to get a high score by performing insane combos and killing the most. I did this with several friends each of us going as far as we could until we'd die and hand over the controller. It was alot of fun but still not multi-player. All in all I think with a little more effort on the game designers part this game could have been a smash hit but instead it ends up as a pretty stiff right cross. Very worth playing but the game has plenty of improvements to make before becoming a must play. I suggest renting it, spend some time beating several levels (and be patient) to unlock some of the cooler weapons and arenas then go slaughter happy in arena mode.