A pretty fun game with the elements of God of War and Dynasty Warriors.
User Rating: 7.7 | Spartan: Total Warrior PS2
If you enjoy a fun hack 'n slash where you're a Spartan who gets to kick the crap out of Romans then this game is for you. This game feels like it takes some elements from the Dynasty Warrior Franchise and the first God of War. The game-play is fun where you can actually have fellow Spartans fight with you against enemies of all sorts. The game also reminds me of the movie "300" because at the beginning of the game, you fight alongside King Leonidas. As you progress through levels, your character slowly builds up health, attack, weapons, and even a new look. The special attacks that each weapon contains are pretty awesome when in trouble. I enjoyed a lot of the game besides the fact your allies were pretty weak and the bosses were pretty simple. The worst components in the game are the voice acting and the repetitiveness of combat. If you can look past the weak points of the game, which I managed to do, your looking at a pretty solid game. I could only imagine what the game would look like if they would remake it for these next gen consoles.