In the demons hand is one of Dreamcasts large arena fighting game. With plenty of characters from the spawn comics.

User Rating: 7.5 | Spawn: In the Demon's Hand DC
In the demon's hand was the first Spawn game I actually enjoyed back then mainly because I loved anything Spawn and I could choose many of the Spawn character. The point was to beat your way up through huge open levels till you got to malbogia.( think that's spelled right) Your able to use the various powers your character has and their weapons. Being a Spawn fan I didn't like that they never had Spawn's cape on like in the comics. Shooting , throwing necroplasmic fire balls and defeating HUGE bosses was a pretty fun experience at the time, too bad they didn't have Xbox live at the time because this would have been a fun game to play online with other people . They should remake this game for today's consoles I would definitely get it. The levels are free for you to explore and find power ups and other weapons. Beat up every small time enemy you find before coming up against the boss of that level.