"It takes a strong man to deny what's right in front of him" Amazing Game
Cons: Controls become unresponsive some times. Multiplayer is a bit lacking. NO CO-OP. Not a large variety of weapons.
Graphics: 8/10
Story: 9/10
Replayability: 8/10
Overall: Spec Ops has one of the best story lines in a game that I've seen in a long time. Has a deep and immersive story with 4 different outcomes. The first play through you might not understand the story completely but by the 2nd playthrough you will. Multiplayer is basic and takes elements from other games, such as perks, like Call of Duty, customize your characters appearance, feels almost identical to Rainbow Six. I personlly enjoy the multiplayer, mainly because its so easy to get good at. If your looking for a game with a great story then Spec Ops: The Line is for you. If your a fan of 3rd person shooters Spec Ops is for you. If your only looking to play online....GTFO!!!!