An adventure game different from any other game. The game drags you with itself into a fascinating story.

User Rating: 7.5 | Spectre (2010) PC
It is just a unique game. Hardly you can compare it to any other game. Don't know why GameSpot did not put it under adventure or puzzle games. I really enjoyed playing it, but after a while the game gets boring as the puzzles seem very similar to each other. you expect new puzzle style to appear but it dos not. The memory circles are hard to avoid, and a little silly to be honest. The voice acting is perfect. Control system does not excite you very much. I downloaded the game but it can hardly hit the market as a single DVD or CD. I think the creators made a right choice for making it available online. The speed of loading the game in different chapters is cool. In a way not always you should expect a good game have a high file size or loading time. If the idea behind the game is great then the outcome would be so acceptable. This game was a new experience for me.