for some its really stupid, but have they even tried getting to 2/5s of the game its a mix between star ocean till the end of time,tales of synphonia,etc and pokemon,digimon,etc the first thing you might notice (besides the awsome graphics) is that youre charecter can only do 1 dmg now dont worry you will soon be able to do more dmg later on but still you cant kill a krawl a.k.a enemey alone but with the help of theese prehestoric creatures called spectrobes you will get the job done!yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay go spectrobes. srry bout that the point is is that it may not be pokemon but it will hod youre attention until pokemon p/d come out =)
Disney, the closest thing to a dictatorship in modern media, has set off to do the near impossible and create a successful game franchise, but did they do their job well. Spectrobes is kind of a mixed bag, and it's defin... Read Full Review
I bought this game two weeks ago but after two days playing I completed it. I really think they could have put more spectrobes in the game because I think 22 different is not enough. Sure those 22 kid stage evolve twice... Read Full Review